35 Disney Facts You Have NEVER Heard!


You’ve read lists of Disney facts like this before. We have already written several:

There are a lot of these kinds of lists online, but we wanted to cover some of the facts that get overlooked, and frankly, are some of the most interesting.

Join us as we show you 35 Disney facts you have never heard, and be amazed, as we are at how much there is to know about Disney!



  • Disney holds the record for the most expensive film ever made – Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides cost a whopping $378 million
  • Pumba is the first ever Disney character to fart
  • The muses in Hercules were originally supposed to be voiced by The Spice Girls




  •    Tiana is the only Disney princess with dimples
  •    The Walt Disney Company makes                         approximately $1000 per second
  •    Gaston from Beauty and the Beast is the first      male villain to star in a Disney princess movie
  •    In Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Judge Doom        was originally written as the hunter who shot        Bambi’s mother




  • The role of Mufasa in The Lion King was originally going to Sean Connery
  • Alice in Wonderland holds the record for the most songs in a Disney film
  • “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid was almost left on the cutting room floor
  • Pocahontas was originally supposed to have a talking turkey as her animal companion
  • Belle from Beauty and the Beast is often seen to be tucking in a small piece of hair that keeps falling in her face, an intentional added detail by animator’s to make her character more real and relatable
  • Elsa from Frozen is the only Disney princess who is not a teenager




  • Anna from Frozen is the first Disney princess to sing a duet with a villain
  • After the release of Finding Nemo, the L.A. Times published an article warning children not to flush their fish down the toilet – a phenomenon which had emerged in large numbers are the film’s release. Similarly, a large amount of children were hospitalised with salmonella following the release of The Princess and the Frog¸ since the film depicted a human kissing a frog
  • Euro Disney was originally to be built in Spain
  • In Inside Out, the globe in Riley’s classroom is the same one that can be seen in all of the Toy Story films
  • Eve from Wall-E was created by the same man who designed the IPhone



  • Belle from Beauty and the Beast is the only Disney princess with hazel eyes
  • If Merida from Brave straightened her hair, it would be four feet long
  • Pocahontas is the only Disney princess with a  tattoo
  • According to Greek mythology, Ariel and Hercules are actually cousins





  • Every time Aladdin tells a lie in the film, a feather falls on his face
  • The Incredibles is the first Pixar film to depict a whole family with both parents
  • Sleeping Beauty’s castle in Disneyland was originally supposed to be Snow White’s castle, but was changed at the last minute to help promote the release of the film Sleeping Beauty




  • Jackie Chan provided both the speaking and singing voice for the Chinese version of Beauty and the Beast
  • Disney strongly contributed to the popularity of colour television
  • Walt Disney consulted a Shakespeare expert about the use of language in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, during the film’s production
  • Disney made a scripted feature film using only live animals
  • “The Second Star to the Right” from Peter Pan was originally written for Alice in Wonderland but was cut




  • Elvis starred in 33 feature films, but none of them contain as many Elvis songs as Disney’s Lilo and Stitch does
  • Some of the children’s bedrooms in Monster’s Inc. are decorated with retro Disneyland posters including “Tomorrowlands Astrojet”
  • According to creator’s, Andy’s father in Toy Story was left out due to the cost involved in creating what was deemed to be an unnecessary character




  • In the final credits of the film Frozen, the following disclaimer can be seen: "The views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the film that all men eat their own boogers are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers."
  • The high score in Wreck-it Ralph is “120501”, which is a reference to Walt Disney’s birthday –5th of December 1901.



Be sure to check out the fantastic range of Disney figurines available at HourLoop


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